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Fox Horizon X6 Carbon Landing Net 42
Fox Horizon X6 Carbon Landing Net 42
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Fox Horizon X6 Carbon Landing Net 42
Fox Horizon X6 Carbon Landing Net 42
Fox Horizon X6 Carbon Landing Net 42
Fox Horizon X6 Carbon Landing Net 42
Fox Horizon X6 Carbon Landing Net 42
Fox Horizon X6 Carbon Landing Net 42

Fox Horizon X6 Carbon Landing Net 42

Delivery: Max. 2 to 4 working days

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Fox Horizon X6 Carbon Landing Net 42

- Available in 6ft and 8ft
- Ultra high modulus Torayca® carbon
- Multi-directional Nanofiber
- Interlaminar resin
- Nanoalloy® technology
- Cast carbon spreader
- 1k carbon wrap around handle and arms
- Japanese Shrink Wrap handles
- Beautifully understated appearance
- Fox unique camo coloured deep net with reinforced corners

Horizon X6 landing nets utilize state-of-the-art Torayca® Carbon Nanoalloy® Technology for a stronger, lighter, thinner and more powerful handle. Multiple multidirectional layers of thinner carbon cloth and nanofiber engage in an electrical mass connection thanks to Nanoalloy® technology. This landing net is available in two different versions, the 6ft and the 8ft version. Please note! The 6ft version has a single handle, the 8ft version is two-section.

Fox Horizon X6 Carbon Landing Net 42

Fox Horizon X6 Carbon Landing Net 42

Fox Horizon X6 Carbon Landing Net 42


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